Monday, 2 September 2013

Dry skin begone!

We all have the parts of our body that never do "quite" what we want them to. For example, I hate my ankles... or lack of therefore. I don't know whether I have too much sodium in my diet, have horrific injuries from constantly tripping over kerbs as a teenager or just am genetically predisposed not to own them.

My other big issue is my legs. I am not a big fan of my legs however when they get a bit of a tan on them (like now thanks to the brilliant weather we've been having and a back garden to lounge in) I will do my utmost to get them out. 

I've always suffered from dry skin on my legs. I think it's a mixture of them tanning quite well and wearing tights in the winter, plus the inevitable six month period  of central heating that we get in the UK but they always end up dry and flaky.

My mum always use to use coconut oil on her legs and the smell always invokes memories of her and long summer holidays in the Med. The coconut oil she used to use was, in fact, meant to be for hair believe it or not, but she swore by it for many years.

Nowadays we have a range of moisturising products at our fingertips. In the words of YouTube's Jenna Marbles I am a self confessed "goo hoarder" and my cupboards are full of half used moisturisers, body scrubs and butters that started off great but never quite made the distance.
 (Side note.. must start using some of this stuff up!!!)

That was until I read about a product called Nip+Fab Dry Leg Fix. Apparently (according to the British media anway) Jennifer Aniston swears by it and I have to say when I saw it on sale in Selfridges in Manchester I was sorely tempted to pick it up for £10.25 for 100mm. However, remembering most of my "goo" collection I resisted.
Then last year I was in Gatwick about to jet off to Mexico on honeymoon and I spotted the distinctive green and white packaging in Boots. I thought to myself "Well, it's your honeymoon... spoil yourself" What I didn't realise at the time was I had found one of my Holy Grail products.

Firstly, the scent... pistachio. Oh my god. I LOVE pistachio, it had almost a citrus tone to it as well. Application was easy it's smooth and absorbs quickly with no greasiness and a small bit goes a long way. Normally in the past I've used baby oils etc and it's been a bit of a mission to get any moisturised pay-off but with this I saw results instantly. 

I swear by this product now and I was lucky enough to get a free sample with a copy of Cosmopolitan a couple of months ago just as mine ran out. It does run out quite quickly mind as I use it every time I shave my legs.

The great thing is about this product is that there is a whole range, so if your legs aren't the problem but say your tummy, or boobs, or arms there's a fix for each one.

The only downside to this product is availability. I tend to like to go out and purchase my products in store rather than online, merely because of the delivery aspect (I work all day and nobody is in to collect packages). However where I live this isn't stocked in my local Boots and I have to just buy a couple of tubes whenever I spot it so I don't run out. Their website does offer delivery and I would definitely suspend my postman worry if I was running low.

Some of the other products are available at Amazon as well which I will link below!

Till next time,

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