I've been avidly reading, getting tips and feeling my way round and after seeing Gracie Darling's Little Owl Beauty blog I spotted she had a skincare tag.
Now as an avid YouTube watcher I've always wanted to do a tag! There are so many to pick from; The Boyfriend Tag, The Rainbow Tag but, this being mainly about beauty and all, I thought why not start at the very beginning of beauty with skincare!
So, feel free to pick up the tag yourself and enjoy reading my answers. I'm always looking out for new tips and tricks so leave a comment below!
Describe your skincare routine in five words..
Varied, simple, legacied, hopeful and lax
What's your skin type?
I've had several different counters give me several different versions. Some say oily, some say dry and some say combination.
If I were to draw you a map I would say relatively normal with a nose and chin that suffer from blackeads. In addition my friend says I have "The weirdest shaped pores I've ever seen" I usually whack a pore strip on though to get rid of these. Biore Pore Strips - £7.50
What's your favourite skincare product?
Not necessarily a product as such but nothing makes my skin better than a damned good holiday. Getting away from it all, the pollution, the stress, add in a sunny climate, swimming in the sea and a better diet and I remain spot free. Failing that I can never go wrong with Clinique's 7-Day Scrub - £18.50. It's pricey but I really love the smell and the granules feel so good on tired skin.
Top blemish zapper?
My mum, when I was a teenager, said don't waste your time on spot zappers and miracle creams and would get me to dab perfume (Yes! PERFUME) onto my spots. Till this day I still do, I think the alcohol in the perfume soaks up the gunk or something but that and a good face steam always seems to do the trick for me! I'm probably giving super bad advice right now!
Face wipes, yay or nay?
I love face wipes. I have hoards of them and whilst they will never replace cleansing, toning and moisturising. Sometimes though my skin gets a bit aggravated with the fussing and they do the trick. Ideal for removing a heavy night out's make up though.
Toner, yay or nay?
Toner is great. I tend to use Clinique's 3 Step - (Varied Prices) (in 2) and the toner, as much as I hate it, really reveals all the gunk and dirt on my face. It's half fascinating to use and half horrifying!
High end skincare or high end makeup?
High end make up. Skin is pretty resilient and I like to think that in all the time us humans have been about we've found one way or another to look after our skin. Whether it's through diet, good hygiene, even things like banana and oatmeal face masks it's pretty easy to even out. Just look at Lush Cosmetics, they've built their entire business around using things in nature to care for your skin and body.
Creating colours and textures of what you then put on your canvas (I mean face!) is a little more scientific and if you are going to put it on, it may as well be very good quality!
What's the most unusual skincare product you've tried?
Well apart from the perfume I mentioned previously, probably any of Lush's products. There are things in them like kaoline, chocolate and vodka! Ocean Salt which I mentioned in my August favourites smells like margaritas. I know of some people who've had Vampire Facials, Bull Semen and all sort of weird stuff put on their faces but unless they are some sort of miracle cure (or free :)) then I'll stick to my slightly middle of the road stuff!
You're in a French pharmacy and can only pick one item - what is it?
This is the question that realllly intrigued me about this skin tag. I'm a bit of a Francophile, in fact I'm off for a weekend in Paris in 2 weeks (EXCITED!) and I've been thinking about what I want to pick up whilst I'm over there.
I've heard great things about the facial sprays but. at the same time, we probably need those maybe two weeks out of fifty two here... so one thing I've heard good things about is Cattier Masque L'Argile Rose - £4.40
which I'll try and give a whirl whilst I'm over there.
I've heard great things about the facial sprays but. at the same time, we probably need those maybe two weeks out of fifty two here... so one thing I've heard good things about is Cattier Masque L'Argile Rose - £4.40
Tell us your top skincare tip.
I would normally say drink loads of water, as this is what we are all nagged to do but instead I would suggest don't fuss too much with your skin. It's good to try out new things and improve trouble areas but if you chop and change too much your skin will end up not knowing what's hitting it and so will your purse. In addition remember what works now or doesn't work may change over time. In the last couple of years my skin has changed so drastically products that were once my Holy Grails I can no longer use, whereas stuff that brought me out in a rash is now a staple!
Thanks so much for reading and I tag you! Let me know if you do the tag as I'd love to see your answers!

Thanks so much for reading and I tag you! Let me know if you do the tag as I'd love to see your answers!

Thanks for the tag :) this is really great, I love your answers! I use those Biore Pore Strips too and find them so disgusting but interesting to look at after! Keep up the good work with your blog, I love everything about it so far!
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